Maymont Community Garden is a flourishing community garden located just off of Kansas Avenue and Southampton Avenue in Maymont, a USDA-designated food desert and low-income neighborhood in central Richmond. Occupying a parcel in Riverview Community Park, a small but active park that is home to a popular user-created/supported skatepark, the mission of Maymont Community Garden is to develop a thriving community space while balancing the three core identities of the site: skatepark, community garden, and children’s play area. To this end, volunteers at Maymont Community Garden are working to build a greenspace that supports skatepark users and neighborhood children, as well as buttress the natural ecology and biodiversity of the site, deepening interdependence between neighbors and environment.
In its current state, the community garden has 14 raised plots leased to individual gardeners dedicated to growing organic vegetables and produce onsite. Outside the fenced grid of raised beds there is an established network of paths meandering around the park, where volunteers have planted over 30 native trees and shrubs, as well as innumerable flowers and herbs. Volunteers also maintain a free community mulch pile and compost drop off accessible to residents, and in the fall accept collected leaves for drop-off/composting. Although the garden is situated on a small parcel, volunteers at Maymont Community Garden have an outsized impact on the neighborhood, with each aspect of their work helping create a beautiful, multifaceted free community space for all of our neighbors.
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