Roots of Woodville

Roots of Woodville, aka Rootsville, is a community garden led by Nate Fleming, an East End native and advocate for community engagement. A longtime gardener, Nate founded the children’s garden at the Peter Paul Development Center in the heart of the East End, later volunteering with Shana Williams of the Williams City Farm prior to the foundation of Roots of Woodville.

Roots of Woodville is guided by a simple ethos: the spirit of a garden is a village, and it takes a village to raise a garden and a community along with it. Supported by members of the congregation of nearby St. Peter’s Episcopal Church as well as neighborhood volunteers, the garden is currently situated on a modest plot along N. 28th Street but aspires to expand onto the grounds of Woodville Elementary School, adjacent to the present location. There, volunteers will be able to provide students with experience growing (and consuming) produce wrought by their own labor, and with that, the cycles of nature.

Gardeners can register to tend an individual plot or pick from the community beds. Reach out to Nate at to get involved.

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