Friends of Triangle Park

Triangle Park is a small urban park perched in the Union Hill neighborhood of Richmond at the intersections of Jefferson Avenue, E. Clay Street, and N. 23rd Street. Once the home of an abandoned gas station that was eventually razed by the city, the neglected lot underwent a remarkable transformation thanks to dedicated neighbors.

1950s map showing the triangle in Triangle Park

What began with a single Chinese Elm and two benches rescued from the erstwhile park surrounding the Richmond Coliseum evolved over the next decade into a thriving community space. In 2023, the park began to come to life with the installation of a pollinator garden established in memory of a neighbor’s beloved sister. Shortly afterwards in the fall of 2023 a more extensive beautification effort was undertaken by Verdant Richmond and a cadre of corporate volunteers; that planting saw the addition of a river birch, a dogwood, two serviceberry trees and two Royal Star magnolias, as well as native hydrangeas, yarrow, Baptisia, Rudbeckia, milkweed, and hundreds of tulips and daffodils. In April 2024 volunteers with Friends of Triangle Park continued work on the park, installing several Virginia sweetspire and hydrangreas, along with Rudbeckia, to screen noise from Jefferson Avenue and add a measure of tranquility to the park. Today, Friends of Triangle Park continues to ensure the park’s upkeep and development, shaping it into an inviting green space for the Union Hill and Church Hill communities and local wildlife.

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